我为什么喜欢在买东西,因为今天买明天就可以送到。我为什么每个商品的评价都一样,因为在买的东西太多太多了,导致积累了很多未评价的订单,所以我统一用段话作为评价内容。购物这么久,有买到很好的产品。Why do I like to buy things in Jingdong, because today I can buy them tomorrow. Why I have the same evaluation of every commodity, because there are too many things to buy in the Jingdong, which leads to a lot of unevaluated orders, so I use the words as an evaluation. Jingdong haeen shopping for so long that it haought very good products.
![我为什么喜欢在买东西,因为今天买明天就可以送到。我为什么每个商品的评价都一样,因为在买的东西太多太多了,导致积累了很多未评价的订单,所以我统一用段话作为评价内容。购物这么久,有买到很好的产品。Why do I like to buy things in Jingdong, because today I can buy them tomorrow. Why I have the same evaluation of every commodity, because there are too many things to buy in the Jingdong, which leads to a lot of unevaluated orders, so I use the words as an evaluation. Jingdong haeen shopping for so long that it haought very good products.](http://img30.360buyimg.com/shaidan/jfs/t1/613/9/5337/241805/5b9e06b2Eaf9513aa/214d0d676d68c4c5.jpg)