书真的很不错!活动买太划算了,应该是正品,纸张封面印刷都很精致。还会再来。因为本仙女很忙(忙着可爱, 忙着长大)不想每个产品都写好多评语, 所以特地写下这些,但是这个产品, 无论是质量还是外形,都是本仙女喜欢哒!如果不喜欢,仙女收到货会很生气,模版就会成为本仙女喋喋不休休,自然不可能撒下这个好评,给各位询友一个参考, 本宝宝还是很积极的来自一个慵懒只爱购物不爱写评语却只想换积分的小仙女~
Thank you for the excellent service provided by Jingdong mall, and it is very good to do in warehouse management, logistics, distribution and so on. Delivery in a timely manner, distribution staff is also very enthusiastic, and sometimes inconvenient to receive the time, but also arranged for time to be delivered. At the same time in the mall management Jingdong customer service is also very good.Give us a very good shopping experience!感謝京東のショッピングセンターの与えた良質のサービスから倉庫管理、物流配送などの各方面はすべて非常に良いの。配送が遅れ